Get The On-Demand Course Now

Take Your Clinical Practice To The Next Level!

Join Dr Melillo For A Sophisticated Deep-Dive Into Neurodevelopmental Conditions

Learn everything you need to be fully equipped to deal with complex neurodevelopmental conditions in your practice. Expand your abilities to help more patients, and handle challenging presentations better.

This course focuses on advanced clinical techniques and applications in the field of neurodevelopmental disorders. It integrates key concepts, sophisticated diagnostic and treatment strategies, and practical applications for clinicians dealing with complex cases.

It is designed for professionals seeking to deepen their understanding and skills in advanced clinical practices related to conditions such as Autism, ADHD, Asperger’s, Dyslexia, and more.

All relevant pathways and networks are covered in great depth, facilitating diagnosis as well as guidance regarding which tests and tools to utilise in a clinical setting.

Clinical protocols, assessment forms, and standardised outcome measures are included. The discussed research papers are also available for download as part of the course material.

An Advanced Event For Practitioners Already Working In The Field, And Those Who Wish To Expand Their Practice Into This Direction

What This Course Is About


Elevate your professional practice with Dr Robert Melillo’s "Advanced Clinical Applications" course, specifically designed for practitioners specialising in neurodevelopmental disorders. This seminar offers an unparalleled deep dive into advanced diagnostic methods, treatment strategies, and the integration of cutting-edge research into clinical practice. 

Master sophisticated clinical protocols to be on the leading edge for conditions like Autism, ADHD, Asperger’s, and Dyslexia. Whether you already have a solid foundation in neuroanatomy or are looking to specialise in neurodevelopmental care, Advanced Clinical Applications offers a comprehensive pathway for professionals like you to refine your skills and advance your clinical approach.

Exploration of Advanced Concepts

Embark on an advanced journey into the field of neurodevelopmental disorders. This course is designed for practitioners wishing to deepen their expertise in diagnosing and treating complex conditions like Autism, ADHD, Asperger’s, Dyslexia, and many others.

Deep Dive into Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology

Explore the vast world of all relevant brain structures and functions. Gain an in-depth understanding of the neurophysiological mechanisms underlying neurodevelopmental disorders.

Innovative Diagnostic and Treatment Strategies

Learn about the latest advancements in quantitative Electroencephalography (qEEG) and its clinical applications. Understand how to interpret qEEG results to enhance your clinical practice.

Enhancing Brain Function through Neuroplasticity

Delve into advanced concepts of brain balance and neuroplasticity. Discover strategies to improve brain function and development, and how to integrate sensory and motor systems effectively.

Integrating Research and Clinical Experience

Stay at the cutting edge with the latest research trends and future directions in neurodevelopmental disorders. Apply these insights through practical workshops, hands-on training, and in-depth case studies. 

Empower Your Clinical Practice

Take this exclusive opportunity to learn from the world’s number one expert in neurodevelopmental disorders to elevate your clinical practice. Use his proven assessment tools and clinical protocols to streamline and expand your clinic.




One of the most respected clinicians in childhood neuro-development disorders in America, Dr. Robert Melillo (USA registered Chiropractor) has been helping children overcome learning challenges for over 30 years. His areas of clinical expertise include physical, attention, behavioral and learning disorders, as well as diet, nutrition and neuroimmune disorders in children and adults.

As a clinician for 30 years, a university professor, brain researcher, best selling author, radio and TV host, his cutting-edge research and success with over a thousand children in his private program are what led to the creation of Brain Balance Achievement Centers. Dr. Melillo has a private practice now that helps adults and children with various learning disabilities.

He is focused on addressing the primary issue in most learning disabilities and behavioral disorders which is known as a functional disconnection. Since he introduced this concept, functional disconnection has become one of the leading theories in the world related to Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia and more. This work is leading the way toward understanding the underlying nature of these disorders and their causes.

Additionally, comprehensive seminar notes, handouts clinical notes, questionnaires and treatment plans are provided

Get The On-Demand Course Now

What To Expect

Designed for seasoned practitioners, this course offers in-depth insights into advanced brain functionality and developmental science. It’s perfect for those looking to augment their current knowledge with high-level, actionable content tailored for professional application in the field of neurodevelopmental disorders.

Who Is This For?

This course is ideal for practitioners with a solid foundation in neuroanatomy, or those aiming to specialise in neurodevelopmental care. It’s an excellent opportunity for professionals seeking to elevate their clinical skills and understanding of disorders like ADHD and autism to an advanced level.

Course Structure and Content

Experience a comprehensive curriculum that blends advanced lectures, detailed case studies, and practical, hands-on learning. Over 13 hours, the course covers advanced topics in neurodevelopment, exploring intricate aspects of brain development and functional connectivity. Find the entire breakdown of all 8 modules and their content below!

Transformative Learning Outcomes

Embark on a journey of advanced learning and clinical refinement. For practitioners, this course offers a chance to enhance your diagnostic and treatment approaches with cutting-edge techniques. Master sophisticated strategies and modalities that can significantly impact your practice and patient outcomes.

Take A Look Inside

This On-Demand Course Covers

  1. Advanced Neuroanatomical and Neurophysiological Concepts
    • In-depth understanding of brain structures and functions
    • Neurophysiological mechanisms underlying neurodevelopmental disorders
  2. Quantitative Electroencephalography (qEEG) and Its Clinical Applications
    • The use of qEEG in diagnosing and understanding brain dysfunctions
    • Interpreting qEEG results for clinical applications
  3. Advanced Brain-Behaviour Relationships
    • Exploring the links between brain functions and behavioural outcomes
    • Case studies highlighting specific brain-behaviour correlations
  4. Brain Balance and Neuroplasticity
    • Advanced concepts in brain balance and neuroplasticity
    • Strategies for enhancing brain function and development
  5. Integrating Sensory and Motor Systems
    • Understanding the integration of sensory and motor systems in neurodevelopment
    • Techniques to improve sensory-motor integration
  6. Heart Rate Variability and Neurodevelopment
    • Understanding HRV in the context of neurodevelopment
    • Clinical applications of HRV assessment
  7. Functional Connectivity in Clinical Practice
    • Examining brain connectivity patterns in various disorders
    • Integrating connectivity data into treatment planning
  1. Neuroplasticity and Rehabilitation
    • The role of neuroplasticity in treatment and recovery
    • Advanced rehabilitation techniques leveraging neuroplasticity
  2. Advanced Intervention Strategies
    • Innovative and advanced strategies for intervention
    • Tailoring interventions to individual patient needs
  3. Integrative Parenting Strategies
    • Advanced parenting techniques for children with neurodevelopmental disorders
    • Engaging parents in the therapeutic process
  4. Case Studies: Application of Advanced Techniques
    • In-depth analysis of complex cases
    • Practical applications of advanced clinical concepts
  5. Research Trends and Future Directions
    • Current research in neurodevelopmental disorders and clinical applications
    • Future trends in treatment and technology
  6. Practical Workshops and Hands-On Training
    • Workshops for applying advanced techniques
    • Hands-on training sessions for clinical applications
  7. Ethical Considerations and Best Practices
    • Ethical issues in advanced clinical applications
    • Best practices for clinicians in the field

Part 1

Session 1 - 2hrs


Depth of Theoretical Components: Emphasis on extending theoretical aspects and deep diving into the science.

Openness to Questions: Encourages audience interaction and questions throughout the session.

Slide Materials: Over 350 slides provided as reference materials, not all expected to be covered.

Career Overview: Details about Dr. Melillo's journey in the field, including educational background and achievements.

Functional Neurology: Describes his involvement in the development and teaching of functional neurology.

Research Contributions: Discusses personal research, partnerships, and contributions to top-tier journals.

Importance of Peer-Reviewed Research: Stresses the significance of publishing in reputable journals for credible scientific communication.

Teaching as Learning: Emphasises the role of teaching in his own learning process and encourages an open-minded approach to education.

Early Brain Development: Importance of early childhood in brain development and its long-term impacts.

Spectrum of Disorders: Explores developmental disorders like autism, ADHD, dyslexia, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder, their early signs, and the importance of early intervention.

Role of Epigenetics: Discussion on how epigenetics influences brain development and mental health disorders.

Genetic Misconceptions: Addresses common misconceptions about the genetic origins of various disorders.

Holistic Approach: Advocates for considering a patient's entire developmental history, not just current symptoms.

Functional Imbalances: Importance of understanding and addressing imbalances in the nervous system.

Interconnectedness: Explores the relationship between the nervous system, immune system, and brain health.

New Research Directions: Discusses emerging research in neuroimmunology and its potential applications.

Holistic Treatment Approaches: Emphasises the importance of addressing underlying neurological and developmental issues in treatment.

Personalised Therapy: Advocates for tailored treatment plans based on individual developmental histories and symptoms.

Questions and Answers: Audience questions and discussions, providing in-depth answers and explanations.

Session 2 - 1.5hrs


Advanced Concepts in Neurology: The session begins with an emphasis on advanced neurology concepts, aiming to deepen understanding in the field.

Learning and Comfort Zones: Dr. Melillo discusses the importance of pushing beyond comfort zones for learning and growth, particularly in the context of understanding complex neurological concepts.

Brain Asymmetry and Function: There's a detailed exploration of brain asymmetry, its historical research, and its implications in understanding brain function and disorders.

Neurological Cases and Adaptability: Discussion on cases like hydrocephalus to illustrate the brain's adaptability despite abnormal neuroanatomy.

Brain Networks and Disorders: Detailed analysis of various brain networks like the limbic system, basal ganglia, and their connections. Emphasis on how imbalances in these networks contribute to disorders like ADHD, OCD, and movement disorders.

Developmental Neurology: Insights into developmental aspects of neurology, including the impact of early experiences on brain development and disorders.

Neuroanatomy and Behavioral Manifestations: Links between specific neuroanatomical regions and behavioral outcomes, including a focus on conditions like PANDAS/PANS.

Application of Neuroscience in Clinical Practice: Examples of how neuroscience principles are applied in clinical settings to address various neurological and psychological disorders.

Discussion on Functional Neurology: Explains functional neurology and its significance in understanding and treating neurological disorders.

Future Directions in Neuroscience: Reflects on the future of neuroscience research, including the role of functional connectivity and network interactions in understanding the brain.

Miscellaneous Discussions: Various discussions on related topics, including patient case studies, challenges in diagnosing and treating neurological conditions, and the role of environmental factors in brain development.

Session 3 - 2hrs


Brain Physics and Frequencies: Emphasises the importance of brain physics and frequencies in understanding brain function. Discusses how different stimuli (light, sound, smells) alter neuron firing frequencies.

Temporal Windows and Perception: Explores how the brain perceives simultaneous stimuli at different body parts. Highlights the brain's ability to process different frequencies and maintain perception timing.

Graph Theory and Brain Connectivity: Explains graph theory in the context of brain cell connections. Illustrates the efficiency of brain connections and the balance between local and global connectivity.

Neurological Development and Autism: Discusses the development of short-range and long-range connections in the brain and links the ratio of these connections to intellectual capabilities and disorders like autism.

Impact of Connectivity Ratios: Describes how small variations in connectivity ratios can significantly impact brain function and behaviour and explains the skewed ratio of connections in autism, leading to enhanced skills but impaired overall brain function.

Inducing Brain Maturation: Suggests that stimulating the brain in specific ways can alter the balance of neuron connections, aiding maturation. It mentions the ability to change the neuron ratio through appropriate brain stimulation.

Gender Identity and Brain Development: Discusses gender identity as a developmental process  and inks neurological aspects to gender identity formation.

Environmental Influences and Brain Function: Explores how external factors like technology and social interactions influence brain development and emphasises the shift towards a left-brain dominated society due to technology and lifestyle changes.

Balancing Brain Function: Addresses the challenge of maintaining a balance between different brain areas and highlights the complexity of adjusting therapeutic approaches to achieve optimal brain function.

Visual and Attention Networks: Details the different visual networks in the brain and their functions and explores how attention networks vary between the brain's hemispheres.

Executive Function and Motor Activity: Describes the brain's executive function network and its lateralisation. It also discusses the brain's motor areas and their role in coordinating movement.

Salience Network and Interoception: Covers the salience network's role in prioritising sensory information and discusses interoception and its significance in recognising bodily needs.

Session 4 - 1.5hrs


Brainstem and Facial Asymmetry: Emphasis on observing facial and postural asymmetries as indicators of brainstem function. Discussion of the nucleus ambiguous and its role in facial tone and parasympathetic nervous system output is there as well.

Vagal Stimulation and Its Implications: Exploring the use of GammaCore for vagal stimulation and its effects on heart and immune function. Also draw insights into left vs. right-sided stimulation and its potential impacts.

Inflammatory and Anti-inflammatory Responses: Understanding the brain's role in controlling systemic immune responses and detailed explanation of the baroreceptor reflex and its impact on the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems is given as well.

Neurological Basis of Sickness Behaviour: Exploration of how the brain regulates responses to infection and injury and includes discussion on the role of the vagus nerve in inflammation and anti-inflammatory processes.

Integration of Neurological and Immunological Systems: Analysis of how the central nervous system integrates with immune responses. Examination of specific brain regions like the insula and hypothalamus in immune regulation is also there.

Autism Spectrum Disorders and Related Research: Insights into facial asymmetry in autism and its correlation with parental traits. It discusses the role of the right brain in emotional processing and recognition in autism.

Primitive Reflexes and Their Significance: Examination of retained primitive reflexes and their impact on sympathetic tone and brainstem maturity and discussion on how reflexes relate to various conditions, including autism.

Right and Left Brain Imbalances: Exploration of the effects of right vs. left brain imbalances on overall health and behaviour.The impact of these imbalances on immune response and disease susceptibility is discussed as well.

Role of Hemispheres in Immune Regulation: Analysis of how the right and left hemispheres regulate different aspects of the immune system.  and discussion on Th1 and Th2 responses and their implications in health.

Clinical Applications and Case Studies: Various case studies and clinical applications of the discussed concepts. Examples of how understanding neurological and immunological integration can aid in treatment strategies are also discussed.

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Part 2

Session 1 - 2hrs


Brainstem and Facial Asymmetry: Emphasis on observing facial and postural asymmetries as indicators of brainstem function. Discussion of the nucleus ambiguous and its role in facial tone and parasympathetic nervous system output is there as well.

Vagal Stimulation and Its Implications: Exploring the use of GammaCore for vagal stimulation and its effects on heart and immune function. Also draw insights into left vs. right-sided stimulation and its potential impacts.

Inflammatory and Anti-inflammatory Responses: Understanding the brain's role in controlling systemic immune responses and detailed explanation of the baroreceptor reflex and its impact on the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems is given as well.

Neurological Basis of Sickness Behaviour: Exploration of how the brain regulates responses to infection and injury and includes discussion on the role of the vagus nerve in inflammation and anti-inflammatory processes.

Integration of Neurological and Immunological Systems: Analysis of how the central nervous system integrates with immune responses. Examination of specific brain regions like the insula and hypothalamus in immune regulation is also there.

Autism Spectrum Disorders and Related Research: Insights into facial asymmetry in autism and its correlation with parental traits. It discusses the role of the right brain in emotional processing and recognition in autism.

Primitive Reflexes and Their Significance: Examination of retained primitive reflexes and their impact on sympathetic tone and brainstem maturity and discussion on how reflexes relate to various conditions, including autism.

Right and Left Brain Imbalances: Exploration of the effects of right vs. left brain imbalances on overall health and behaviour.The impact of these imbalances on immune response and disease susceptibility is discussed as well.

Role of Hemispheres in Immune Regulation: Analysis of how the right and left hemispheres regulate different aspects of the immune system.  and discussion on Th1 and Th2 responses and their implications in health.

Clinical Applications and Case Studies: Various case studies and clinical applications of the discussed concepts. Examples of how understanding neurological and immunological integration can aid in treatment strategies are also discussed.

Session 2 - 1hr


Immune System Overview: Distinction between innate and adaptive immune systems, role of T and B cells in adaptive immunity, various types of antibodies (IgG, IgA, IgM, IgD, IgE) and their functions and allergic responses and hypersensitivity reactions discussed.

Brain and Immune System Evolution: Parallel development of the brain and immune system and the pattern recognition in immune response is discussed alongside the development of immune system capabilities in different species.

Innate Immune System: Functions and types of white blood cells (neutrophils, basophils, eosinophils, etc.) and the mechanisms of pathogen defence (complement system, phagocytosis) are described.

Adaptive Immune System: Detailed discussion on T cells, B cells, and lymphocytes and the process of antigen presentation and antibody production.

Body's Defense Systems: Discusses physical barriers like skin, lung epithelium, and gut epithelium and the role of mucous membranes and cilia in defence.

Immune System Cells and Their Functions: Various types of leukocytes and their roles in immunity and specific functions of macrophages, dendritic cells, and natural killer cells are explained.

Neurological and Psychological Aspects: Relationship between brain development and immune system response, impact of sound frequencies on brain hemispheres and case studies demonstrating functional neurology principles in practice are discussed.

Clinical Applications and Treatment Strategies: Discussion on blood tests and immune system markers, strategies for balancing immune responses (Th1 and Th2 systems), role of the sympathetic nervous system in immune response and Supplement recommendations for immune system regulation.

Specific Disorders and Immune Responses: Exploration of PANDAS/PANS in children. The relationship between autoimmune disorders and brain hemisphere dominance is explained along with the discussion on thyroid function and immune system.

Future Directions and Research: Potential research areas in functional neurology and immunology. Collaboration with other experts in the field is discussed as well.

Session 3 - 2hrs


Collaboration and Courses: The possibility of virtual consults and co-managing patients, and invites attendees to join live courses in New York.

Company Cogence and Supplements: Introduction to Cogence, a company working with Dr. Melillo, and discussion of various supplements like Balanced Immune, TH2 Modulator, and others for immune system support.

Brain Balance Theory: Discussion on how brain balance and hemispheric exercises can influence brain development and function, especially in ADHD.

Study by Harvard Medical School: Presentation of a study validating his theories on hemispheric exercises and their effects on the brain.

Neurotransmitters and Brain Function: Detailed explanation of the role of various neurotransmitters in different brain hemispheres and their impact on behaviour and cognitive functions.

Integration of Reflexes: Emphasis on the importance of identifying and integrating reflexes in treatment.

Hemispheric Imbalance: Strategies for identifying and targeting hemispheric imbalances through specific brain activation.

Core Muscle Tone and Brain Connection: Discussion on the importance of increasing tone in large core muscles to connect the body and brain.

Multi-Modality Approach: Combining different therapeutic modalities for effective treatment.

Importance of Repetition: The role of repetition in therapy for mastery and effective results.

Use of Right Tools and Techniques: Importance of selecting appropriate tools and techniques for each case.

Simplicity in Treatment Plans: Simple and focused treatment plans, cautioning against overwhelming patients with too many activities or supplements.

Home Programs and Patient Engagement: The need for home programs and consistent patient engagement for better outcomes.

Latest Research and Developments: Insights from his recent research and publications.

Innovative Practices: Advanced ideas and concepts in neurodevelopmental therapy.

Application in Clinical Settings: Various case studies and examples of applying these principles in clinical practice.

Patient Management and Communication: Strategies for effective patient management and communication, especially in challenging cases.

Session 4 - 1hr


Interactive Metronome (IM): Dr. Melillo's experiences and applications of IM in brain training, including its impact on brain timing and cognitive improvements.

Clinical Applications: Discussion on integrating IM into practice, personal examples, and case studies.

Brain Research and Areas: Insight into how IM affects different brain areas like the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, basal ganglia, and cerebellum, primarily focusing on timing.

Practical Use in Therapy: Strategies for incorporating IM in therapy, including specific protocols and adaptations for hemispheric modalities.

Research and Studies: Overview of studies and findings on IM's impact on various cognitive and motor functions.

Case Discussions: Detailed cases, including patients with ADHD, dyslexia, and other conditions, illustrating the practical application and outcomes of IM.

Integration in Practice: Guidance on incorporating IM and other therapies into clinical practice, including addressing patient-specific issues.

Advanced Clinical Concepts: Exploration of more complex aspects of brain function and therapy, assuming familiarity with basic concepts.

Questions and Answers: A thorough Q&A session addressing various aspects of clinical practice, IM application, and other related topics.

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Receive Additional Bonus

Get the on-demand course now, and also get instant access to Dr Rob Melillo's acclaimed "Introduction To Functional Neuroanatomy" (usually $199) for FREE with your purchase. This 3hr online seminar will be yours to keep in your online library, and can be accessed for 1 year from date of purchase.

+ BONUS: Introduction To Functional Neuroanatomy

Instant Access when you purchase 

Price: FREE (Regular Price $199.00)

- All prices are in AUD, inclusive of GST
- Program includes digital copies of presenter notes, clinical forms, questionnaires, home-based and clinical exercise

Dr Rob Melillo - Advanced Clinical Applications On-Demand Course

Price: $1090 AUD

(Regular Price $1,290.00)

Advanced Clinical Applications

  • For professionals working with neurodevelopmental conditions, or wishing to expand their practice into that area of special interest
  • All relevant pathways, networks, and neuroanatomy covered in great depth and detail
  • Dealing with complicated cases, exploring management strategies, utilising clinical protocols and assessments
  • All Videos With Subtitles
  • Downloadable Full Text Transcript
  • Slides, Research Papers, Assessment Forms
Purchase Now

+ BONUS: Introduction To Functional Neuroanatomy

Get Dr Rob Melillo's "Introduction To Functional Neuroanatomy" for FREE when purchasing. Instant access to this course straight after you book.

Price: FREE 

(Regular Price $199.00)

Save More With The Course Bundles

If you are considering attending the foundations course as well as the practitioner or family event, consider these bundles and save even more in addition to the already reduced pricing:

Dr Rob Melillo - PRACTITIONER Bundle (20hrs)

Get the Advanced Clinical Applications course together with Neurodevelopmental Foundations

$1872 AUD (Regular Price $2,080.00)


+ BONUS: Introduction To Functional Neuroanatomy (3hrs) 

Price: FREE (Regular Price $199.00)

Combine And Save

Dr Rob Melillo - FAMILY Bundle (20hrs)

Get the Neuro Parenting Mastery course together with Neurodevelopmental Foundations

$1332 AUD (Regular Price $1,480.00)


+ BONUS: Introduction To Functional Neuroanatomy (3hrs) 

Price: FREE (Regular Price $199.00)

Combine And Save

Dr Rob Melillo - COMPLETE Bundle (33hrs)

ALL 3 Courses! Foundations, Parenting Mastery, Advanced Clinical Applications

$2313 AUD (Regular Price $2,570.00)


+ BONUS: Introduction To Functional Neuroanatomy (3hrs) 

Price: FREE (Regular Price $199.00)

Combine And Save

ADDITIONAL PACKAGE SPECIAL - 2022 Event Recording Offer

For those looking for the ultimate complete video library: we've been able to work closely with Dr Melillo and secure a great package deal when you purchase any of the latest on-demand courses.


SPECIAL OFFER - Recording of Dr Melillo event held in March 2022

Over 5 days (45 hours), Dr Melillo shared his 30 years of clinical experience, research and publications and teaching experience. He shared The Melillo Method, the most cutting edge scientific research, functional assessment tools and advanced treatment modalities to help identify and manage children and adults with neurodevelopmental challenges. Gain access to 30 years of clinical, research & publications, and teaching experience.

This is a professional recording of the March 2022 event held in Sydney. Not only do you get access to the video recordings to the full 5 days as an on-demand viewing, but also all of Dr Melillo's own clinical history forms, questionnaires, diagnostic checklists, clinical rationale and his treatment approaches. These have been developed for the practitioner in mind to make it easily translatable for your practice.

Regular price: $2,490.00, Special offer $1,490



  1. this special offer is only valid in conjunction with the purchase of any of the Melillo On-Demand Courses
  2. payment is made via Brain Hub Academia, in AUD$ and includes tax invoice/receipt (no foreign exchange and transaction fees)
  3. you can start whenever you like, immediately after purchase
  4. you have access to the individual online modules for 12 months once you commence that module 
  5. If you’re not a healthcare practitioner, there is also a certification program available
  6. once you commence viewing the online course, no refund (part or whole) will be made

Get Access To This Additional Online Program

Take advantage of a further discount and add the recording of Dr Robert Melillo's March 2022 Sydney course to your library if you purchase together with any of the current on-demand courses:

Dr Rob Melillo Course 2022 Recording

Gain access to 30 years of clinical, research & publications, and teaching experience. This is a professional recording of the March 2022 event held in Sydney.

$2,490 $1,490

Unlock After Purchase

Dr Rob Melillo Course 2022 Recording

Receive Online Bonus When Booking

Purchase the on-demand course now, and get instant access to Dr Rob Melillo's acclaimed "Introduction To Functional Neuroanatomy" (usually $199) for FREE. This 3hr online seminar will be yours to keep in your online library, and can be accessed for 12 months.


Instant Access when you book. Price: FREE (Regular Price $199.00)

- All prices are in AUD, inclusive of GST
- Registration includes digital copies of presenter notes, clinical forms, questionnaires, home-based and clinical exercise
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